Stedar International Montessori Student Registration


Please fill-up the form completely. Fields mark with ( * ) are required.

Classification *
School Year *
Level *
Last Name *
First Name *
Middle Name *
Complete Address *
Birthdate *
Format: mm/dd/yyyy
Gender *
Nationality *
Language Spoken *
Siblings enrolled this SY 2020-2021
Please enter siblings separated by comma: Sibling 1, Sibling 2, Sibling 3, Sibling 4
Father's Name *
Mother's Maiden Name *
Email Address *
email address must be working for you to have a copy of your information that has been submitted to us.
Contact Number *
Name of Guardian
Guardian's Contact Number
Payment advise/instruction can be seen in the email you provided.
Agree to school policies *
Privacy Notice: Pursuant to Data Privacy Act of 2012, the developer and school entity hereby adheres to protect the data and information that is being stored, processed and retrieved in our servers to the full extent of confidentiality.
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